[back] Mars + Deimos + Star trails


(c) 2003 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.

About this Image / Über dieses Bild

CCD: WebCam Philips ToU Cam pro
Image Type, Orientation: For Deimos and star trails: Stacked video frames. The inset of Mars is the same as the last but one picture of the Mars sequence.  North is down.
Exposure time: For Deimos and star trails: 500 video frames stacked, averaged with GIOTTO . For the inset: see here!
Exposure date: For Deimos and star trails: August, 30th 2003, 22.15UT. For the inset: see here!
Location: Capella Observatory at Amani Lodge, Kupferberg near Windhoek, Namibia
Filter: wide band red filter
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in secondary focus, f=4800 mm
Seeing (FWHM): about 2"
Photographer: Stefan Binnewies, Dietmar Böcker
Remarks: Compared with the image of Mars including both moons, the gain of the WebCam was higher for this exposure. As a side effect some stars can be seen in the background. By stacking the video frames taking Deimos as (fixed) reference, the stars became lines. The reason is, that Mars and Deimos move relatively to the fixed stars.
Bemerkungen: Verglichen mit der Aufnahme von Mars mit seinen beiden Monden war das "Gain" der WebCam für diese Aufnahme höher eingestellt. Als Nebeneffekt sind so einige Sterne im Hintergrund zu sehen. Durch das Aufaddieren der Videobilder mit Deimos als (stillstehender) Referenz wurden aus den Sternen Linien.

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