[back] Zodiacal Light and Milkyway from Chile / Zodiakallicht und Milchstraße von Chile

      (c) 2006 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.  



All sky image taken at La Silla March, 7th 1989, surrounded by the ESO domes (they are the reason of the red lights). Exposed 60 minutes on Agfachrome 1000 RS medium format film with Zeiss 16mm Fisheye lens (f2.8)


Inmitten der ESO-Kuppeln (kenntlich an den roten Lichtern) auf La Silla am 07.03.1989 gewonnene All Sky-Aufnahme. 60 Minuten belichtet auf Agfachrome 1000 RS Mittelformatfilm durch Zeiss 16mm-Fisheye Objektiv (1:2,8).

Author: Stefan Binnewies

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