[back] NGC 7094 in Pegasus [NED]

Higher resolved image / höher aufgelöstes Bild   (2000 x 1524 Pixel)

 (c) 2010 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors..






About this Images / Über diese Bilder


Image Type, Orientation: L-RGB-Composite, North is at 10:30h
Exposure time:

L: 8x900sec., R,G,B: 4x600sec. all 1x1 bin

Exposure date:

November, 20th….22nd 2009

Location: Skinakas Observatory at Crete, Greece, remote-controlled from Much/Germany
Filter: SBIG 2" LRGB filter set for STL
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in secondary focus (f=4938.3 mm)
Seeing (FWHM): 1.32"
Photographer: Stefan Binnewies, Josef Pöpsel

For image editing (astrometry, photometry and color calibration) THELI  was used by Richard Müller. Thanks for it!

The contrast enhanced as well as the inverted image version below show the galactic cirrus drawing through the image. Even the region around the globular cluster M15, which is near to the PN above, shows this cirrus. The image done by Bernhard Hubl shows this very clearly.




Die Bildbearbeitung erfolgte in THELI (Astrometrie, Photometrie und Farbkalibrierung)  durch Richard Müller. Dafür herzlichen Dank!

Sowohl in der kontrastverstärkten als auch in der invertierten Darstellung unten kommt der das Aufnahmefeld durchziehende galaktische Zirrus deutlich heraus, er zieht sich auch bis zu dem in der Nähe stehenden Kugelsternhaufen M15 hin. Bernhard Hubls Aufnahme zeigt das besonders schön.




Contrast enhanced version of the image above / Kontrastverstärkte Version des Bildes oben


(c) 2010 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors



Inverted version of the image above / Invertierte Version des Bildes oben


(c) 2010 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors


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