[back] M76 (Little Dumbbell Nebula) in Perseus [NED]

Higher resolved image / Höher aufgelöstes Bild  (3724 x 2548)

 (c) 2009 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors and  Stefan Heutz..






About this Image / Über dieses Bild


Image Type, Orientation: LRGB Composite, North is at 16:00h
Exposure time: L: 7x900 sec. + 12x600 sec., R,G,B 4x600 sec., all 1x1 bin
Exposure date: November 1st..6th, 2008
Location: Skinakas Observatory at Crete, Greece, remote-controlled from Velbert and Much/Germany
Filter: SBIG 2" LRGB filter set for STL and  Astronomik 2" 6nm Ha
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in secondary focus (f=4938.3 mm)
Seeing (FWHM): ~1.4"
Photographer: Stefan Heutz, Stefan Binnewies, Josef Pöpsel


The heigh resolved version shows the central star of the PN as a double star. The two components have a seperation of 1.4".

Image editing was done by Stefan Heutz.



In der hoch aufgelösten Version erscheint der Zentralstern des PNs doppelt. Die beiden Komponenten haben einen scheinbaren Abstand von 1.4".

Die Bildbearbeitung übernahm Stefan Heutz..

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