[back] Jacoby 1 in Bootes

 Higher resolved image / Höher aufgelöstes Bild  (4480 x 3141 Pixel)

 (c) 2019 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.






About this Image / Über dieses Bild


Image Type, Orientation: RGB-HaOIII Composite, North is at 12:05h
Exposure time: RGB: 43x300sec., HaOIII:113x300sec. (13h total)
Exposure date: May 12th ... June, 2nd 2019
Location: Capella Observatory at Eifel, Germany, remote-controlled from Cologne and Bad Arolsen/Germany
Filter: RGB: Internal Bayer-Matrix of ASI094MC Pro plus  Astronomik L UV-IR Block Typ 2c, Ha/OIII: STC Astro Duo-Narrowband Filter
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in primary focus (f=1815.9 mm)

Seeing (FWHM):


Photographer: Frank Sackenheim, Josef Pöpsel, Stefan Binnewies

Jacoby 1 is one of the faintest Planetary Nebula of the nothern sky. It just was discovered in 1993 by G.H. Jacoby and G. van de Steene with the 2.1m Kitt Peak telescope. The central Star PG 1520+525 is clearly visible in the image.




Jacoby 1 ist einer der schwächsten Planetarischen Nebel am Nordhimmel. Er wurde erst 1993 durch G.H. Jacoby und G. van de Steene mit dem 2.1m Teleskop des Kitt Peak Observatoriums entdeckt. Der Zentralstern PG 1520+525 ist deutlich in der Aufnahme zu sehen.

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