[back] IC 5148 in Grus [NED]

 (c) 2003 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.




About this Image / Über dieses Bild

Image Type, Orientation: LRGB Composite, North is up
Exposure time: L: 16x60 sec. 1x1 bin,  R,G:4x60 sec., B: 4x120 sec.2x2 bin
Exposure date: October 25th/26th, 2003
Location: Capella Observatory at Amani Lodge, Kupferberg near Windhoek, Namibia
Filter: FR03 + Astronomik
Typ II LRGB filters
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in secondary focus, f=4800 mm
Seeing (FWHM): 1.6"
Photographer: Josef Pöpsel
Remarks: The main reason for the very short sub exposure time (60 and 120 sec., resp.) was to avoid blooming of the 10 mag bright star below the PN. In the original images the star was above the PN.
Bemerkungen: Der Hauptgrund für die sehr kurze Belichtungszeit der Einzelaufnahmen (60 bzw. 120 sec.) war, das Blooming des 10 mag hellen Sterns unter dem PN zu verhindern. In den Originalbildern ist der Stern über dem PN.

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