[back] Dr27 (PN-G 117.4-05.2) in Cassiopeia

 Higher resolved image / Höher aufgelöstes Bild  (1837 x 1222)

 (c) 2019 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.






About this Image / Über dieses Bild


Image Type, Orientation: HaOIII Composite, North is at 12:05h
Exposure time: HaOIII: 32x300sec. (2h40min total)
Exposure date: July 30th..August 1st 2019
Location: Capella Observatory at Eifel, Germany, remote-controlled from Bad Arolsen/Germany
Filter: Internal Bayer-Matrix overlayed by Ha/OIII STC Astro Duo-Narrowband Filter
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in primary focus (f=1815.9 mm)

Seeing (FWHM):


Photographer:  Josef Pöpsel, Stefan Binnewies, Frank Sackenheim

This probable PN (RA 00:11:03.42 DEC 57:10:36.30, diameter ~9 arc min) was discovered by Marcel Drechsler in May 2019. The extracted Ha and OIII channels (see below) of this Duo-Filter exposure show emission in Ha (structured) and OIII (near to the detection limit and nearly not structured). Time (and may be some bigger telescopes...) will show, whether this object is really a planetary nebula - which is quite possible taking the two images below into account.



Dieser vermutliche PN (RA 00:11:03.42 DEC 57:10:36.30, Durchmesser ~ 9 Bogenminuten) wurde von Marcel Drechsler im Mai 2019 entdeckt. Die extrahierten Ha- und OIII-Kanäle (siehe unten) dieser Duo-Filter-Belichtung zeigen Emission in Ha (strukturiert) und OIII (nah an der Nachweisgrenze, fast nicht strukturiert). Die Zeit (und möglicherweise einige größere Teleskope ...) wird zeigen, ob es sich bei diesem Objekt wirklich um einen planetarischen Nebel handelt - was unter Berücksichtigung der beiden folgenden Abbildungen durchaus möglich ist.


Inverted view of the Ha part of the image above

 (c) 2019 All astro photo images are copyrighted by the authors

Highly contrast enhanced inverted view of the OIII part of the image above

 (c) 2019 All astro photo images are copyrighted by the authors

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