[back] M13 in Hercules [NED]

Higher resolved image / Höher aufgelöstes Bild  (2600 x 1733 Pixel)


 Concentration Class V .




(c) 2009 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.

About this Image / Über dieses Bild

Image Type, Orientation: RGB Composite, North is at 04:30 h
Exposure time: R,G,B :4x300 sec., 1x1 bin
Exposure date: August 1st, 2008
Location: Skinakas Observatory at Crete, Greece, remote-controlled from Bischofsheim an der Rhön /Germany
Filter: SBIG 2" LRGB filter set for STL
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in secondary focus (f=4938.3 mm)
Seeing (FWHM): 1.35"
Photographer: Josef Pöpsel, Stefan Binnewies and  the "kids" of the ASL 2008

This image was shot during a workshop with the "kids" of the ASL 2008. The hardware worked so unproblematic that the audience (and the speaker) hardly couldn't believe, that the telescope making the images was a few thousand kilometers away. Normal is the opposite ;-)

An image of M13 done in primary focus can be found here.

DDP was used.


Das Bild entstand während eines Workshops zusammen mit den "Kids" des ASL 2008. Die Hardware funktionierte so unproblematisch, dass die Zuhörer (und der Sprecher) kaum glauben konnten, dass das Teleskop, das die Bilder machte, einige tausend Kilometer entfernt stand. Normal ist genau das Gegenteil ;-)

Eine Primärfokus-Aufnahme von M13 befindet sich hier.

DDP wurde benutzt.

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