[back] NGC 660 (Polar Ring Galaxy) in Pisces [NED]


Type: SBa/PR, distance ~ 11Mpc/39MLy




(c) 2010 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors and Makis Palaiologou.

About this Image / Über dieses Bild

CCD: ANDOR DZ 436-CCD-Camera (2048 x 2048 pxl)
Image Type, Orientation: RVB Composite, North is at 12:00h
Exposure time: R,V,B: 4x900 sec., all 1x1 bin
Exposure date: November 5th, 2010
Location: Skinakas Observatory at Crete, Greece
Filter: Custom Scientific RBV-standard filters
Instrument: Modified RC-129cm-Telescope in secondary focus (9867 mm)
Seeing (FWHM): 1.1"
Photographer: Makis Palaiologou, Stefan Binnewies

This image was done with the main (130cm) telescope of Skinakas Observatory. Makis Palaiologou did the imaging and Stefan Binnewies the image editing.




Dieses Bild wurde mit Hilfe des Hauptteleskops des  Skinakas Observatory gemacht. Makis Palaiologou belichtete, Stefan Binnewies bearbeitete die Daten zu einem Bild.

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