[back] NGC 3344 in Leo Minor[NED]

Higher resolved image / höher aufgelöstes Bild   (2200 x 2042 Pixel)

NGC 7331:  Type SBbc, distance ~ 18Mpc/59MLy.




 (c) 2011 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.


About this Image / Über dieses Bild

Image Type, Orientation: LRGB-Composite, North is at 12:00h
Exposure time: L: 16x900 sec., R,G,B: 3x900 sec., all 1x1 bin
Exposure date: May, 4th. 2010…June, 5th. 2011
Location: Skinakas Observatory at Crete, Greece, remote-controlled from Much and Bad Arolsen/Germany
Filter: ASTRODON 65mm Filterset for STX
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in secondary focus (f=4938.3 mm)
Photographer: Stefan Binnewies, Josef Pöpsel
Seeing (FWHM): 1.38"


Most of the luminance images where exposed in 2010. They were the only usable results of the new camera before the cooler died and the camera was sent back to repair.

In the upper left region of the image a minor planet trace is visible. It is No. 29229 = 1992 EE1 (17,0mag), discovered  by the Japanese Atsushi Sugie.



Die Luminanz-Belichtungen entstanden zu großen Teilen bereits 2010 und waren das einzige verwertbare Ergebnis vor dem Kühlerausfall und der Reparatur der STX-16803.

Links oben im Bild zieht ein Kleinplanet seine Spur. Es ist Planetoid 29229 = 1992 EE1 (17,0mag), entdeckt von dem Japaner Atsushi Sugie.

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