Higher resolved image / höher aufgelöstes Bild
Type SBc, distance ~ 3.7Mpc/12MLy. |
2' |
(c) 2005 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.
About this Image / Über dieses Bild
CCD: |
ST10 XME |
Image Type, Orientation: |
LRGB Composite done in secondary focus for the image center, combined with an L(R+Ha)GB image done in primary focus for the outer regions. North is at 3:00h. |
Exposure time: |
For the secondary focus image: For the primary focus image: |
L: 12x300s 1x1 bin, R,G,B : 6x300 sec. each, 2x2 bin L: 10x300s 1x1 bin, R,Ha,G,B: 3x300 sec. each, 2x2 bin |
Exposure date: |
May 9th, 2004 for the secondary focus image, May 8th, 2005(!) for the primary focus image. |
Location: |
Capella Observatory at Amani Lodge, Kupferberg near Windhoek, Namibia |
Filter: |
FR03 + Astronomik |
Instrument: |
Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in secondary focus (f=4800 mm) and in primary focus (f=1800 mm) |
Seeing (FWHM): |
2.1"-2.2" for the sec. foc. image, 3.5" for the prim. foc. |
Photographer: |
Rainer Sparenberg, Stefan Binnewies, Volker Robering (sec. foc), Josef Pöpsel, Beate Behle (prim. foc.) |
Remarks: |
M83 is the most southern galaxy of the Messier list. It is a highlight for every observer at a dark site with a not too small scope. The image above is a composite of two images done nearly exact one year apart. The secondary focus image, which was used for the center of the image above is shown at the bottom of this page. |
Bemerkungen: |
M83 ist die südlichste Galaxie in Messiers Liste, ein Highlight für jeden Beobachter, der die Möglichkeit hat, diese Spirale fernab des Horizontdunstes durch ein größeres Teleskop zu betrachten. Das Bild oben ist eine Kombination aus zwei Bildern, deren Aufnahmezeitpunkt nahezu exakt ein Jahr auseinander liegt. Das Bild, das im Sekundärfokus erzeugt wurde, und das für das Zentrum des Bildes oben benutzt wurde, ist unten zu sehen. |
Type SBc, distance ~ 3.7Mpc/12MLy. |
60" |
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