[back] M 81 in Ursa Major[NED]

Higher resolved image / höher aufgelöstes Bild   (2578 x 2233 Pixel)

 (c) 2020 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.






About this Image / Über dieses Bild

CCD: Moravian G3-16200
Image Type, Orientation: L-HaRGB Composite, North is at 12:00h
Exposure time: L: 48x300s, Ha 27x300s, R:21x300s, G,B: 24x300s, all 1x1 bin (12h total)
Exposure date: April 16th..30th and May 5th 2020
Location: Capella Observatory at Eifel, Germany, remote-controlled from Cologne/Germany
Filter: Baader LRGB Filter set and 7nm Baader Ha Filter
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in primary focus (f=1815.9 mm)

Seeing (FWHM):


Photographer: Frank Sackenheim, Stefan Binnewies, Josef Pöpsel
Remarks: The image below shows a continuum subtracted Ha-Version of the image. It is the result of subtracting the R exposure from the Ha exposure and shows the pure Ha-Regions of the galaxie.


Bemerkungen: Das Bild unten zeigt zeigt eine Kontinuums-Subtraktion des Ha-Bildes. Es ist das Ergebnis der Subtraktion der Rot-Belichtung von der Ha-Belichtung und zeigt die reinen Ha-Regionen der Galaxie.


Continuum subtracted Ha-Exposure of the image above

 (c) 2020 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.


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