[back] Snake Nebula (Barnard 72 with Barnard 68/69/70/74) in Ophiuchus

Higher resolved image / höher aufgelöstes Bild   (5000 x 3351 Pixel)

 (c) 2023 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.





About this Image / Über dieses Bild

Image Type, Orientation: RGB Composite, North is at 12:15h
Exposure time: RGB: 12x300s (1h total)
Exposure date:

August 1st 2022

Location: Capella Observatory at Skinakas, Crete/Greece,robotic (with babysitting from Bad Arolsen/Germany)
Filter: RGB: Internal Bayer-Matrix
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in primary focus (f=1840 mm)
Photographer: Josef Pöpsel, Stefan Binnewies, Frank Sackenheim

With almost -24° declination, Barnard 72 is the southernmost object that we have recorded from Crete with Ganymede so far. Exceptionally good seeing during the night made it possible to bring "crisp sharpness" into the finished image, despite the horizon not being too far away. It is therefore particularly worth watching the higher-resolution version.



Barnard 72 ist mit fast -24° Deklination das bisher südlichste Objekt, das wir von Kreta aus mit Ganymed aufgenommen haben. Außergewöhnlich gutes Seeing erlaubte in dieser Nacht trotz nicht allzu üppiger Horizontdistanz eine „knackige Schärfe“ ins fertige Bild zu bringen. Das Anschauen der höher aufgelösten Version lohnt deshalb besonders.

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