[back] IC 349 (Barnard`s Merope Nebula) in M 45 (Pleiades) in Taurus [NED]

200% Version of the image below / 200%-Version des Bildes unten

 (c) 2009 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors and Volker Wendel..






About this Image / Über dieses Bild

Image Type, Orientation: LRGB Composite,  North is at 14:30h
Exposure time: L: 8x300 sec. 1x1 bin with Ganymed at Crete, R,G,B: 10x30 sec., 1x1 bin with 15 Zoll Newton Telescope (f 1/8) at Germany
Exposure date: November, 6th 2008 for L,  January 29th 2009 for R,G,B.

For L: Skinakas Observatory at Crete, Greece, remote-controlled from Weisenheim am Berg / Germany

For R,G,B: Backyard observatory of Volker Wendel in Weisenheim am Berg / Germany


SBIG 2" Lfilter set for STL for L, AstroDon filter set for RGB


Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in secondary focus (f=4940 mm) and 15 Zoll Newton Telescope (f 1/8)


Volker Wendel , Josef Pöpsel, Stefan Binnewies

Seeing (FWHM): 1.15" for L


The L exposures of the image were done at the end of the 2008 campaign. The missing color channels were cached up at Volkers home about two month later with a 15" Newton.



Die L-Aufnahmen des Bildes entstanden am Ende der 2008er Kampagne. Die fehlenden Farbkanäle holte Volker dann etwa zwei Monate Später in seinem Garten mit einem 14"-Newton nach.

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