[back] Cirrus near SAO 106097 in Delphinus

Higher resolved image / höher aufgelöstes Bild   (4000 x 2774 Pixel)

 (c) 2023 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.





About this Image / Über dieses Bild

Image Type, Orientation: RGB Composite, North is at 12:15h
Exposure time: RGB: 45x300s (3:45h total)
Exposure date:

September 20th  2022

Location: Capella Observatory at Skinakas, Crete/Greece,robotic (with babysitting from Bad Arolsen/Germany)
Filter: RGB: Internal Bayer-Matrix
Instrument: Ganymed 60cm-Hypergraph in primary focus (f=1840 mm)
Photographer: Josef Pöpsel, Stefan Binnewies, Frank Sackenheim

Stefan noticed the nameless cirrus clouds shown above on a long exposure of constellation Dolphin through a 200 telephoto lens (see below) and he wanted the region imaged "biiiig and deeeep". So then: here it is. For orientation: the brightest star in the image is the 6.35mag star SAO 106097.



Die oben gezeigten namenlosen Zirren fielen Stefan auf einer Langzeitbelichtung des Delphin durch ein 200er Teleobjektiv auf (siehe unten) und er wollte die Region  mal in "in groooß und tiiiief ". Also denn: hier ist sie. Zur Orientierung: der hellste Stern im Bild ist der 6.35mag helle Stern SAO 106097.


Delphinus with 200mm telephoto lens

 (c) 2023 All astro photo images are copyrighted. They may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the authors.


 Exposured August 8th 2018 and September 18th 2020 with Canon EOS 6D / 200-mm-Tele @f4,ISO 3200 from Eifel,Germany. Total exposure time 4:15 h

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